Volunteer work is something that I think is important and everyone who has an opportunity to help out others should take it. It may not be out responsibility to take care of these less fortunate people, but it is not the government's either. Plus, it's just the right thing to do. To the left is a slide show with pictures from a couple of the volunteer projects I have been a part of. The most recent was the time I spent at the Rotary Family Literacy Center working with the Greenville Literacy Association. I was a computer lab assistant and helped people work through their lesson plans that included reading, writing, typing, and math. Everyone I met there was extremely motivated to learn and they were also some of the nicest people I have ever met. In most cases, they either had mild learning disabilities or were just raised without the opportunity to attend school. There are also pictures of a house in a bad area that had been neglected and I worked with a team of about 5-7 people to restore it. The "after" picture displays what was done as far as physical construction and does not show after the kitchen was painted and provided appliances. Lastly, there is a picture of all the food my brother and I were able to collect in a local food drive that we did a couple years ago. We simply passed out bags with notes on them to a hundred or so houses and collected the bags a few days later. We requested non-perishables and donated the food to a shelter.